North Quabbin Patch Program
The North Quabbin Patch is a program of Valuing Our Children. Our Patch building houses VOC's staff and the Department of Children and Families (DCF) social workers. This collaboration helps both agencies to work together to support families as a community. To further this effort, VOC invites other agencies and programs to come into the Patch to offer their services as well. This allows the community to come to the Patch for "one stop shopping". These services include:
MOC Fuel Assistance (Worcester County)
Court Service Center (Worcester & Franklin Counties)
MassHealth Navigator
Community Action's Information and Referral Program
Our Patch program also offers a Family Advocate who supports families challenged by their DCF services who can act as a bridge between DCF and/or other providers. The Family Advocate can:
Coordinate Family Team Meetings between DCF, the family, and other supports.
Support a family who is being investigated by DCF.
Attend court proceedings with a family.
For more information about Valuing Our Children's Patch Program please contace Jennifer 978-249-5070 or click the link below.